Are there other types of arithmetic operations besides addition, multiplication and exponentiation? The following ideas were developed in collaboration with the physicist Adil Bulus and describe some field constructions that enable a ‘seamless’ transition between different types of arithmetic operations. The original works by Adil Bulus can be found on the website Go to…
animation of the Riemann Zeta function
A video animation of the Riemann Zeta function. The function values along the critical straight line with real part 1/2 are marked in blue:
Dance of the Zeta A-points
A-points of the zeta function: A generalization of the zeros of the zeta function The solutions of equation are generally referred to as A-points of the zeta function. A-points therefore represent a generalization of the zeros of the zeta function. The special case of applies to the ‘normal’ zeros of the zeta function. The following…
animation of the zeta function showing the zeros
animation of the zeta function along the critical line by using the product representation (complex doman)
rotating sphere with r^2=11!
Rotierende Kugel mit ganzzahligen Gitterpunkten (r^2= 11!)
lattice-points on a 4-dimensional sphere with r^2= 10007
This is a video from chapter 9.3