New: Supplement for the book (about virtual OCRONs, Matula-Goebel numbers, Jacobi-Addition)

In the download area a supplement for the chapter 20.8 (vrtual OCRONs) is available for download. Interesting new, unexpected connections arise between the theory of graphs (Matula-Goebel numbers) and theory of prime numbers! ->get supplement The ‘hierarchies’ of arithmetic  are also reflected by the principle of virtual OCRONs ..

Gadgets with the Ulam spiral: Computation and visualization of prime numbers and more…

This interactive CDF computes the Ulam Spiral for a given start value 0,1,2,.. which can also be negative. Interesting structures of the Ulam spiral can be seen on the 4 horizontal/vertical and 4 diagonal lines in the four quadrants. Those 8 lines belong to an startpoint, which can also be offset to the center of…